How to check the wordpress version from command Line

You can check the WordPress version in the file version.php :

# cd /home/CpanelUserName/public_html/wp-includes

# grep wp_version version.php

* @global string $wp_version
$wp_version = ’2.5.6′;

That’s all…….!!!!!!!

Logs are already being processed, please try again later

I got the above error when running the cpanel scripts to update webalizer.

root@afsal [~]# /scripts/runweblogs username
Log checker loaded ok..
==> cPanel Log Daemon version 26.0
Logs are already being processed, please try again later.
root@afsal [~]#


You  have to check all the webalizer, cpanellogd and logrunner processes running on the server.

#ps aux | grep cpanell

root@afsal [~]# ps -aux | grep cpanell

root      790236  0.0  0.0  27112  3020 ?        SN   06:37   0:00 cpanellogd – waiting for child to process logs
root      790262  0.0  0.2 122576 23324 ?        SN   06:37   0:00 cpanellogd – waiting for child to process logs for rumbaar
rumbaar   819612  0.0  0.2 122576 21412 ?        DN   07:47   0:00 cpanellogd – http logs for rumbaar
root      819829  0.0  0.0 103256   852 pts/10   S+   07:47   0:00 grep cpanell

Then kill all cpanellogd processes

Now try to run the script –> # /scripts/runweblogs username

That’s all………..!!!!!!!!!!

Webalizer is not updated automatically

On checking the cpanel I could see that the the webalizer of the account is not updated after a particular date.

So we need to update it manully. The webalizer for a single domain can be updated with following steps:

[root@afsal ~]# cd /home/USER/tmp/
[root@afsal ~]# cp -af webalizer webalizer.old
[root@ afsal~]# cp -af webalizerftp webalizerftp.old
[root@afsal ~]# cd webalizer
[root@ afsal~]# /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/webalizer /usr/local/apache/domlogs/domainname -n domainname
[root@afsal ~]# /scripts/runweblogs UserName

That’s all……!!!!!!!!!


How to add ppp_generic kernel module

You can add the ppp_generic kernel module in the vps node using the following steps.

First we have to load the following kernel modules on the hardware node and set them to automatically start during the boot up process.

For that we have to run the following commands on the node.

#modprobe ppp_mppe

#modprobe ppp_deflate

#modprobe zlib_deflate

#modprobe ppp_async

#modprobe ppp_generic

#modprobe slhc

#modprobe crc_ccitt

After that you can check whether it’s added as kernel module using the command “lsmod”

#lsmod | grep ppp

If you need to set it to a server in that node please use the following steps.

#vzctl stop vpsid

# vzctl set vpsid –features ppp:on –save

#vzctl start vpsid

#vzctl set vpsid –devices c:108:0:rw –save

#vzctl exec vpsid  mknod /dev/ppp c 108 0

# vzctl exec vpsid chmod 600 /dev/ppp

VPS- FATAL: kernel too old

I got the above error while restarting the vps and unable to login to the server.

This because the openvz slave node uses old kernel. i.e., 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5 then you get the error.

Solution: All we need to do is replace the kernel version at  /proc/sys/kernel/virt_osrelease at slave node.

Please use the following commands.

#cd /proc/sys/kernel/

You can use the following command to see the current kernel version

#cat virt_osrelease

# echo 2.6.32 > virt_osrelease

Thats all….!!!!!!!!

vzquota : (error) quota file is corrupted vzquota on failed [4]

I got the above error while restarting  a server from node and unable to login to the sever.


Please go to vps node and edit the configuration file of the vps

#vi /etc/vz/conf/vpsid.conf

Now add


Save the file and exit

Now try to restart the server.

Thats all……!!!!!

Unable to open pty: No such file or directory

I got this error while login to  a server from node

root@afsal ~]# vzctl enter 801
enter into CT 801 failed
Unable to open pty: No such file or directory
[root@afsal ~]#


#vzctl exec VPSID /sbin/MAKEDEV pty
#vzctl exec VPSID /sbin/MAKEDEV tty

The above commands will create pty and tty for the server.

After that you have to enter the following command

#vzctl exec VPSID mount -t devpts none /dev/pts

Now, login to the VPS

## vzctl enter VPSID

Now Edit the file /etc/rc.sysinit or /vz/private/VEID/etc/rc.sysinit

Comment the following line:

Add the following lines after /sbin/start_udev:
/sbin/MAKEDEV tty
/sbin/MAKEDEV pty

Please reboot the server now.

Thats all……..!!!!!!!!!

Cannot create an email account through cpanel


File open for /home/tricks/etc/ failed with error No such file or directory

I got this error while creating an email account through cpanel.


Please check the home directory of the account through the server. You should see that the “etc” directory is missing in your home directory.

Please create a new directory “etc” with the permission 750 and with ownership “user.mail”

i.e; #cd /home/tricks/

# mkdir etc

#chown tricks.mail etc

#chmod 750 etc

Now please try to create a mail account through the cpanel.

Thats all………..!!!!!!!!

Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain

I got the above error while adding a parked domain

Error:Using nameservers with the following IPs:, Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your administrator add one of its nameservers to /etc/ips.remotedns and make the proper A entries on that remote nameserver.

Solution :

You can resolve this issue using the steps given below.


Go to WHM

Home »Server Configuration »Tweak Settings >> Allow Remote Domains

Please enable the option ” Allow Remote Domains”

Thats all………!!!!!!!!

Installing Softaculous on cPanel server

You can install the softaculous in your cpanel server using the following commands

#wget -N

#chmod 755


Thats all……..!!!!!!

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