
Imapsync is a program to synchronise two IMAP mailboxes, mailbox trees or servers.

imapsync installation


You can  install imapsync on the server using the following commands.

perl -MCPAN -e "install Test::Inter"
perl -MCPAN -e "install Parse::RecDescent"
perl -MCPAN -e "install Getopt::Long"
perl -MCPAN -e "CPAN::Shell->force(qw(install Date::Manip));"
perl -MCPAN -e "CPAN::Shell->force(qw(install Mail::IMAPClient));"
perl -MCPAN -e "CPAN::Shell->force(qw(install Term::ReadKey));"

rpm -i --nodeps imapsync-1.350-1.el5.rf.noarch.rpm

Syntax to use imapsync :

imapsync --host1 <Source_Server> --user1  <source_server_username> --password1 <source_server_pass> --host2 <Desination_Server> --user2   <Destination_Server_username> --password2 <Destination_Server_pass>
example :

imapsync --host1 --user1 --password1 XXXXXXX --host2 localhost --user2 --password2 XXXXXX
That's all...!!!

lowest numbered MX record points to localhost

Issue: I got the above error from /var/log/exim_mainlog while sending mails from a domain hosted in my server

temporarily rejected RCPT <email@domainname.tld>: lowest numbered MX record points to local host

Solution :

Check if the domain MX is pointing to remote or not.

If the domain is using our server as MX,

The reason for the error message is the domain “domainname.tld” is missing from the /etc/localdomains file of your server. The difference between the /etc/localdomains and /etc/remotedomains  files is that, they decide whether the email has to be delivered locally OR to a remote server respectively and is checked by the exim mail server.

To fix the issue, edit the file:

# vi /etc/localdomains

and place the domain name entry there. There is no need to restart the ‘exim’ s service

Also please check if the domain is listed in /etc/remotedomains and comment the entry if it’s present there.

That’s all……!!!

Cannot create an email account through cpanel


File open for /home/tricks/etc/ failed with error No such file or directory

I got this error while creating an email account through cpanel.


Please check the home directory of the account through the server. You should see that the “etc” directory is missing in your home directory.

Please create a new directory “etc” with the permission 750 and with ownership “user.mail”

i.e; #cd /home/tricks/

# mkdir etc

#chown tricks.mail etc

#chmod 750 etc

Now please try to create a mail account through the cpanel.

Thats all………..!!!!!!!!

Frozen mails

Frozen mails are mails to invalid mail accounts. If the mail can’t be delivered for an account, the mail will be added in the queue and exim will try a couple of times to deliver the mail as per the settings in the RETRY CONFIGURATION in exim configuration file.

If the mail cannot be delivered after eight days (timeout_frozen_after) the mail will be marked as frozen.

Frozen mail Count
exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l

Clear frozen mails

exim -bpr | grep frozen | awk {‘print $3′} | xargs exim -Mrm


exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm

internal problem in domain_filter router :unable to set gid=12 or uid=501 : failure to transfer data from subprocess: status=0100 readerror=’Success–>

While sending mails from the email account on directadmin i got the above error on email error log


Please run the folowing commands on the server terminal

chmod u+s /usr/sbin/exim;
service exim restart

Try to send emails now.

Thats all…….!!!!

How to block/whitelist a sender address/domain’s email using cpanel

To block sender email address or domain name Please login to cpanel and do the folowing steps.

Mail –> SpamAssasin –> Configure SpamAssassin

To block a single email address (for instance
Enter in to the “blacklist_from” field.

To block an entire domain (for instance
Enter * in to the “blacklist_from” field
To whitelist email address or domain name:-

Mail –> SpamAssasin –> Configure SpamAssassin

To block a single email address (for instance
Enter example@domain in to the “whitelist_from” field.

To block an entire domain (for instance
Enter * in to the “whitelist_from” field

Issue : while sending mails through webmail “451 Temporary local problem – please try later”

To resolve this issue, Please login to the WHM and do the following.

In WHM at Main >> DNS Functions >> Edit MX Entry, the Email Routing selector should be “Local Mail Exchanger more

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